Our Times News Archive

April 2010

Lima, Peru 04/29/10
By Susie Devries
These are pictures that Bill took when he was in Lima, Peru earlier this month.
(Bill says) "I finally got around to downloading the pictures from the company camera. In the first one the tall building, just left of center is the Thunderbird Principal Hotel, where I stayed. In the last picture, the tower is actually a brightly lit cross, which you can see from the hotel at night. the rest of the pictures are of the beaches and the fishing docks."
Click here to see the pictures.
Weekend With My Grands!!! 04/22/10
By Susie Devries
We had a super weekend!! Had 4 of my 8 grand kids over and also had a bbq!! We fired up the grill and cooked a bunch of burgers. Before, during, and after eating, we played outside. We had a hard time getting Kylie off the tire swing. She will be 2 in May!! Michael and Chloe, the twins, are now 5 and Autumn has just turned 4.
Click here to see the pictures.
Chamber Ribbon Cutting 04/21/10
By Barbara Lawrence
Yesterday was my last Chamber meeting and today was my last Ribbon Cutting with the Chamber. Our Place is a new restaurant in town that joined the Chamber so that's the reason for a ribbon cutting. The gal from the newspaper took pictures so I asked her if she would mind taking a picture on my camera also being I'm leaving and she said "no problem". So this is the picture of all of the people that turned out on a beautiful day - and warm.
Click here to see the picture.
Deck Redo - Before & After 04/21/10
By Susie Devries
Here are some before and after pictures of our back yard. The big oak has grown so much that it warped the decking around it and caused it to come loose. So we yanked it up, cleaned it out and then Bobby and his boss came over, put a new wall on the outside, filled it in with soil and topped it off with mulch. I'm debating putting plants in there. If I do, it would have to be shade loving plants. We will see.
Click here to see the pictures.
Spring Is An Active Time 04/19/10
By John & Cheryl Schmit
Our Purple Catalpa tree is no more. We got tired of the debri and the short time span the leaves were out. So, as we planned for other use of the space, we cut the tree down before it got too large for us to handle.
Click here to read the rest of the story and see the pictures.
Baby at 9 Weeks, 4 Days 04/07/10
By Heidi Cardona
So they say now my due date is Nov. 6th, but its pretty close to what the estimated earlier. Enjoy the pictures!
Click here to see the pictures.