Our Times Archive February 2005

News Archive - February 2005

Angelique & Chloe 02/26/05
Susie writes - Here are a couple pictures of Angelique and Chloe for the picture page. I had them yesterday for a few hours. We had a great time, Angelique watched Lion King and fell asleep on the vibrating couch about half way through the middle of the movie.
   Baby Michael is still in the hospital. He now weighs 10 pounds 12 ounces. He will get a permanent feeding tube in his side some time this week I think and if all goes well, he could be home by the end of the week.
   Chloe weighs 11 pounds 2 ounces now. She is going to be fitted with a helmet to round out her head. First they will make a plaster cast of her head, then use that as the model to make her helmet. I don't know how long she will have it. I'll send pictures along she is fitted with her helmet.


Heidi's back at Fort Bragg 02/25/05
Heidi called this afternoon to let us know she's back from her work in the field. She has spent the last two weeks supporting a training mission for Special Operations. She'll be off work for a couple of days to rest and recuperate.


Roger & Barb Up North 02/23/05
Roger and Barb Schmit went up to the house in Michigan to install a new surround sound system. Roger explains " The weekend up north was great. There was only a couple of inches of snow on the ground when we got up there but it snowed all day Sunday, about 6". The installation went O.K. but I have some fine tuning to do next week when I go back up. We watched "The Bourne Supremacy" & "Samurai". Really enjoyed the surround sound but Barb kept jumping every time the sound came from behind her. When I go back up next week I'll remember to take the camera and will post some pictures."


Daryl Visits Doug & Joni 02/19/05
Daryl has completed his work in the Northeast and is headed back to Texas. On the way he has stopped near Atlanta to visit Doug and Joni. The visit is short as Daryl has to leave for Texas on Monday. There has been a promise of some pictures (including a webcam shot or two) from this visit.


Welcome Lisa Lawrence to the Homecam page 02/18/05
Another cam has been made active on the Homecam page. Lisa Lawrence, in Southern California, has brought a cam online and will be providing images. We hope everyone gets a chance to see the images on the Homecam page. If you would like to have a cam active, just Contact us or send Daryl or John an email.


Birthday List Addition 02/17/05
Visitors to the Birthday List will now see some names underlined as links. At the request of several family members, we are adding geneology information and links for individuals. We hope this will give a better understanding of who is who and how we relate. If you would like to add information to your name, just Contact us and we will send you an easy to use form.


Baby Michael Improving 02/15/05
Over a week ago, little Michael McWilliams Jr. was hospitalized for being under weight. Michael didn't like the feeding tube used to give him nurishment and pulled it out several times. Last night he pulled it out for the last time and is now using a nursing bottle. He has gained weight and is now up to 9 pounds. Because of this improvement, he should be coming home soon.


Welcome Susie and Bill Devries 02/15/05
Everyone is invited to check out the new pictures from Susie and Bill Devries. Susie is Cheryl's 2nd cousin. They live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Susie recently became a proud grandmother of twins. There are three generations in the Susie and Family picture!


Breast Cancer 02/14/05
Erin sends this important message ... I keep this on my list of e-mails and when I see it, I go on and click. It's fast and helps many women. Take a sec and do it! Please tell ten friends today The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman.

It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle). This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.



Heidi To Field 02/12/05
At 5am this morning, Heidi left to go do "field" work. She will be gone 16 days as she supports a Special Forces training mission. Her field work is located 'somewhere in North Carolina'. Heidi is hoping for more free time after she returns so she can prepare for her change of station to Florida in April.


Elvis in Roanoke 02/12/05
Daryl has moved on from Norfolk to Roanoke, Virginia. While some snow is on the ground, hopes that it will be gone soon are high and he will be able to get the pictures for the assignment. Follow Elvis as he travels by clicking on the "Where in the World is Elvis" link on the lower left of this page.


Cheryl Paints 02/09/05
Over the last weekend, Cheryl began painting the dinning room and living room walls. The color is orange to compliment the blue accent walls. These colors are found in the drape material Cheryl has chosen. Painting should be completed this week. Check the pictures on the Picture page.


Day Care Question 02/09/05
I'm getting started in the proccess of starting a daycare center- outside of my home. I haven't even gone to the orientation yet, it's that new. If any of you know someone who's done this, let me know. I'd like to pick their brain. I'm going to be needing a location as well. Just thought I'd put it out there- ya never know!! Thanks! Erin
(Use the Contact form on the Communications page if you need Erin's email address.)


What's New Page 02/08/05
In order for our visitors to find new content that has been added to the website, we now have a What's New page. You will find the date and a short description of the change to the website on the What's New page.


Site Recognition 02/08/05
Our Times website has been evaluated by the Family Friendly Sites organization. Family-Friendly Sites emblems are intended to support the online safety of family members using the Internet. They appropriately offer websites a designation that will be easily recognized by family members and other Internet users. We are proud to meet the requirements for this recognition.


Heidi Returns 02/05/05
Heidi arrived back at Ft. Bragg from Iraq today about 9pm. She is very happy to be home. She called Cheryl right away and let her know that she was back in the States. The trip home was lengthy and took several days. Heidi was very tired after her long trip and it wasn't long before she was in her bed. Both Cheryl and John were glad to hear the good news.


Birthday List 02/01/05
Check out the Birthday List located in the Other section of the website. Make sure yours is correct. If you're not listed send us yours and your family's. You can email us or use the Contact form on the Communications page.