
August 23, 2008
By Robert McWilliams

Well I'm sitting here at work tonight (still working for the wrecker service) 8 years in January, anyway, I've been at work since 6:50am on the 22nd and am working till 7am on the 23rd. A 24 hour shift makes for good money next Friday. So anyway, I figured what better time to write this much needed book (update) about me, my biological dad and Autumn, so with that being said ...

Autumn is doing great, smarter than any two year I've ever seen. She is counting into the teens when she really tries and making complete full sentences that I would have never thought possible. A couple weekends ago she would not pick up her mess so we could leave. After being patient with her, in my stern “I'M DAD” voice, I said AUTUMN JADE you pick up those toys! She turned to me and said, “Daddy, it's okay you just chill out !!!!!!!!!!!” AHHHH the things kids do. She is everything and more than I ever could have asked for in a child.

Janae and I are not together. we were then broke up, then back together, SO now were not together, but we are great friends. I won't say were both growing, but we have matured in the past year and have realized even more than we did, that OUR daughter is what's most important!

Now on to my real Dad, Terry. His house in Mt. Ida, Arkansas was sold out from underneath him, leaving him no place to go. So I told Dad he could come stay with me if he wanted, which for me is a big step. My late teenage years I was not fond of Dad. Matter of fact I refused to talk to him for almost two years. Then I just up and tell him, “well come live with me”.

So here we are, Dad has been living with me for about 3 months give or take a few, and its great! I love his company, he cooks really, really well too :), that's good cause I don't like cooking. We like a lot of the same tv and music. Having Dad there is more like having a best friend there. He loves my daughter and she has growing to love her papa even though he has a beard very similar to like what the guys in ZZ TOP have. (I'm sure you all remember them, you got to remember. I'm 25 and I know, so you should know.)

Anyway gang, not much else going on with me. My life stays in a routine, so very rarely do I have news. I work 60 hours a week and have my daughter on my two days off, but it's great, wouldn't trade it for anything!