Autumn and My Flowers

June 25, 2008
By Susie Devries

A couple years ago I sent pictures of my Angel Trumpet Flower. It was a big plant with beautiful huge trumpet flowers. I loved that plant. I ordered one this year from a catalog. The plant is growing but not much and now it's got a bud. The flower, when it opens will be bigger than the plant itself.

I also have a few pictures of Autumn in the front yard. First she needed her Dora umbrella to stay dry because of the sprinkler, then she had to 'help' the sprinkler. We both got sopping wet, as is the norm when she helps water.

I've found that putting my tomato plants on the side of the house, they get more of the much needed sun they require and since I've done that, they have set fruit like crazy and I've been picking daily, much to my happiness. Guess my old brown thumb is turning green once again!

Click here to see the pictures.