Florida Trip

November 27, 2007

Hi ya'll,

I made it to Doug's house by 11:30 this morning - total of 733 miles - and it was a very good and beautiful drive. I drove I-20 to Jackson MS, took 49 down from there to Hattiesburg and took 98 out of there all the way in to Mobile AL where I stayed last night. I then took I-10 to a small road going south - FL 331 - which I won't take again. It went down to 98 and right into Doug's house. Google Earth gave me directions right to his door and I never had to ask one person the whole way for directions. There were times, like last night when I was in Mobile, when I wished I would have had a GPS. I drove 540 miles on one tank of gas and filled clear up with 14.6 gallons so that made it almost 37 miles to the gallon - sure can't beat that. I wish I would have thought about it before I left home but I have never seen so many Camry's (like mine) and most of them were silver (like mine).

We all went to lunch at a neat place right on the beach this noon and it was too cool to sit outside but we sat inside and could see the water. It is a very clear and blue day here - it poured all day here yesterday. I will take pictures tomorrow or maybe even later today when the sun goes down a bit over the ocean.

What a GORGEOUS house and my room is more like a suite as it is huge down here. I have my own little frig in a cabinet.

Doug has to go to Tallahassee tomorrow so Joni and I will probably go do some shopping.